Radstock Museum runs a series of TALKS.

Bygone Days talks celebrate both local and national history. These talks are often held at The Somer Centre in Midsomer Norton but please check the details carefully for each talk below.

Autumn 2024 Season: Bygone Days Talks already confirmed.

October 1st At the Somer Centre at 7.30m. Admission £5

The Trafalgar Way by Kathy Brown of the 1805 Club. 

November 5th At the Somer Centre at 7.30m. Admission £5

Death and Service by Richard Cooper-Knight

November’s Bygone Days talk will take place in the month when we remember our fallen war heroes. Richard Cooper-Knight is an author, photographer and genealogist. His research into the service personnel behind the seemingly anonymous names carved into the Portland stone of more than 800 Commonwealth War Graves across Somerset, has led to a wealth of stories of family and love, life and tragedy; each name brought to life with their own individual history. The talk focuses on the stories behind those heroes who were laid to rest in and around the Midsomer Norton and Radstock areas.

Science in Radstock talks are ‘popular science’ talks; an eclectic mixture of current science disciplines and past, present and future technologies. These talks are usually held in Radstock, at the Radstock Working Men’s Club, but please check the details carefully for each talk below.


There are several ways to keep in touch with the Museum talks programmes.

You can sign up for the Museum Newsletter, which is distributed by email. It includes details of Events, Talks, Exhibitions, Children’s activities and other snippets of News.

Please use the button below:

You can access our Newsletter archive by clicking HERE

You can also ask to be on the reminder email list for each of the talk series – see below.

The BYGONE DAYS TALKS are organised by Museum Volunteers, in support of the Museum.  Details will be posted here or you can ask to be placed onto the Bygone Days emailing list by sending an email request to bygonedays@radstockmuseum.co.uk


The SCIENCE in RADSTOCK TALKS are organised by Museum Volunteers, in support of the Museum.  Details will be posted here or you can ask to be placed onto the Science in Radstock emailing list by sending an email request to sinrteam@gmail.com.

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