If you require information about the Museum, or would like to provide any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

If your enquiry is of a general nature please use the contact details shown below:

Museum Manager: Nick Turner

Email: info@radstockmuseum.co.uk

Tel: ++44 (0)1761 437722

Address: Radstock Museum, Waterloo Road, RADSTOCK, BA3 3EP

If your enquiry is more specific please use the table below to identify the correct contact email.

Reason for contactContact Email
Enquire about VOLUNTEERINGvolunteering@radstockmuseum.co.uk
Contact the TRUSTEESchairman@radstockmuseum.co.uk
Contact the TREASURERtreasurer@radstockmuseum.co.uk
MUSEUM SHOP and MAIL ORDER enquiriesshop@radstockmuseum.co.uk
Submit a RESEARCH queryresearch@radstockmuseum.co.uk
Arrange a SCHOOL or EDUCATIONAL visiteducation@radstockmuseum.co.uk
Arrange a GROUP VISITmanager@radstockmuseum.co.uk
Contact the FIVE ARCHES history journalfivearches@radstockmuseum.co.uk
Contact the MUSEUM SOCIETYsociety@radstockmuseum.co.uk
Sign up for information on BYGONE DAYS talksbygonedays@radstockmuseum.co.uk
Contact the NEWSLETTERnewsletter@radstockmuseum.co.uk

To sign up for the NEWSLETTER; Click Here

Details of how to become a member of the Radstock, Midsomer Norton and District Museum Society can be found on the Museum  Society page.