If you require information about the Museum, or would like to provide any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.
If your enquiry is of a general nature please use the contact details shown below:
Museum Manager: Nick Turner
Email: info@radstockmuseum.co.uk
Tel: ++44 (0)1761 437722
Address: Radstock Museum, Waterloo Road, RADSTOCK, BA3 3EP
If your enquiry is more specific please use the table below to identify the correct contact email.
Reason for contact | Contact Email |
Enquire about VOLUNTEERING | volunteering@radstockmuseum.co.uk |
Contact the TRUSTEES | chairman@radstockmuseum.co.uk |
Contact the TREASURER | treasurer@radstockmuseum.co.uk |
MUSEUM SHOP and MAIL ORDER enquiries | shop@radstockmuseum.co.uk |
Submit a RESEARCH query | research@radstockmuseum.co.uk |
Arrange a SCHOOL or EDUCATIONAL visit | education@radstockmuseum.co.uk |
Arrange a GROUP VISIT | manager@radstockmuseum.co.uk |
Contact the FIVE ARCHES history journal | fivearches@radstockmuseum.co.uk |
Contact the MUSEUM SOCIETY | society@radstockmuseum.co.uk |
Sign up for information on BYGONE DAYS talks | bygonedays@radstockmuseum.co.uk |
Contact the NEWSLETTER | newsletter@radstockmuseum.co.uk |
To sign up for the NEWSLETTER; Click Here
Details of how to become a member of the Radstock, Midsomer Norton and District Museum Society can be found on the Museum Society page.