The Museum Society collects items which reflect the social and industrial heritage of the former Somerset Coalfields.
We are interested in items with a local provenance: old photographs and postcards of the area (particularly with named individuals); documents relating to the local collieries; and objects with a uniquely local connection.
If you have an item you think The Museum Society may be interested in then we would be pleased to hear from you.
You are welcome to call into the Museum with your items; preferably on a Tuesday morning when a member of The Museum Society will be present. Due to limited space we are restricted on what items we can accept. So to avoid a wasted journey we would recommend that you contact us via email or post, with as much information about the item as you can provide, preferably including a photograph, and we will reply when we have assessed whether we can accommodate the item in our collection.
Please email info@radstockmuseum.co.uk