If you want details of how to DONATE an ARTEFACT, item or document, please Click Here
If you wish to donate money: please read on.
The Museum is a registered charity (No.1151573) and is reliant upon the support of the public to meet its running costs; currently about £55,000 per year.
We receive no financial support from national or local government sources; our income comes solely from entrance fees, shop and tearoom sales, 5 Arches Journal sales, grants for projects, fund-raising events and DONATIONS.
In order to continue to preserve the Heritage of the local area we need your help; so here are the ways that you can ensure the continued success of the Museum by giving money directly to the cause.
Donate directly to the Museum using your mobile phone and the Internet.
Use your mobile phone and the QR code pictured below to donate through Givt; follow the directions on screen.

Local Giving
Localgiving is an organisation that specifically helps local communities and local charities to raise funds through the internet.
The Radstock Museum account page at Localgiving can be accessed directly by clicking HERE.
You will be invited to register and then make a donation, either one off or a regular amount. If you are eligible please allow Localgiving to claim Gift Aid which will add 25% to any amount you give.
As a bonus; for the first £250 which is donated to the Museum via Localgiving we will receive a further £250 from this organisation.
Cash or cheque
If you prefer not to use the Localgiving website please consider making a donation by cash or cheque. This money can go directly to assist with the running costs of the Museum or you could specify a particular project that you would like to support.
Please send a cheque, made out to Radstock Museum, to: Radstock Museum, Waterloo Road, Radstock, BA3 3EP.
If you wish us to claim Gift Aid on your donation then please include your surname and first initial, plus your postcode and house name or number. We will do the rest.
Leaving us some money in your will
Whatever the size of your gift, leaving the Museum a legacy will enable us to continue our important work. If you feel you may be able to help us in this way, please contact us on 01761 437722 or email info@radstockmuseum.co.uk . We will be happy to provide you with the information leaflet that explains how you can do this.
If you are a Member of the Museum Society local solicitors Thatcher and Hallam will offer a discount of up to 20% on legal services including help with writing a Will. Download the details of their offer.
You can read more about the other ways that you can support the Museum, by giving us your time or lending us your talents on the SUPPORT US page. Volunteers who make the tea are especially valuable.