Time, Talent and Money

We need all three of these things to ensure the continued success of the Museum.

As an organisation we do not receive any funds from local or central government.
Our Museum volunteers do it all.

Through their energy and enthusiasm, they keep the Museum running. Our income comes from visitor’s entrance fees, sales in the shop and tea room, grants, fund-raising projects and donations.

There are many and various ways that you can support your local Museum.

If you want to give us some MONEY please go straight to our DONATE page where the options are explained in detail.

If you have TIME or TALENT please read on …………..



 This is a wonderfully rewarding way to support the Museum and is great fun as well. You will meet interesting and like- minded people and it is an opportunity for you to do something special for your local community. We have a set of pages on this website where you can read about some of the volunteering options. Go to our VOLUNTEER pages for lots more information.

If you have experience or a talent that we have not yet listed then please drop by and tell us about it.

Join the Museum Society

Joining the Museum Society is an excellent way of supporting the Museum; the Society has its own page on this website where you can read about the benefits of membership and how to join. Visit The Museum Society’s page.

Hold a fund raising event

If you have a fund raising idea, such as a quiz evening or opening your garden, that you would like to run in support of the Museum then please  get in touch with treasurer@radstockmuseum.co.uk  to discuss it further.

Become a Sponsor

To sponsor an event or an exhibition as a corporate initiative or in memory of someone, please contact our volunteer treasurer at treasurer@radstockmuseum.co.uk .

Contribute to our Five Arches Journal


Help develop our knowledge of the local history of the North East Somerset area, as well as becoming part of a successful and well respected publication.

Click here to find out more about Five Arches History Journal.

Donate an artefact of local interest to the museum

The Museum Society collects items which reflect the social and industrial heritage of the former Somerset Coalfields. If you have an item you think The Museum Society may be interested in then we would be pleased to hear from you.
Due to limited space we are restricted on what items we can accept. Please contact us via email (info@radstockmuseum.co.uk) or post, with as much information about the item as you can provide, preferably including a photograph, and we will reply when we have assessed whether we can accommodate the item in our collection.

Earn a little money for us when you shop on line.

The Museum is a beneficiary under the Easyfundraising scheme.

This is an internet scheme that links your on-line purchases from retailers e.g. Tesco on-line, Argos, John Lewis to our charity account. Every time you shop using this method the Museum receives a small donation from the retailer.

If you have already signed up for Easyfundraising then please nominate Radstock Museum as your chosen charity.

Here is a direct link to the Museum’s Fund raising page at easyfundraising.org

If you have not yet signed up then please consider doing so. There is more to read about the scheme on the Easyfundraising website at easyfundraising.org.uk