Local Walks

A Walk through Paulton’s Past by Anne Miall £3.50

Fourteen circular walks in and around Radstock by Peter Bradshaw, Larry Cunningham and Sue Fraser. First edition still available for £4.00. Second edition, which now includes 6 extra walks, is £6.00.

Rivers, Villages and Valleys: Journey through NE Somerset by Paul Snowden £4.95

The Coal Canal Way: a walker guide. produced by the Somersetshire Coal Canal Society £3.50

The West Mendip Way by Derek Moyes. £5.95

Twenty circular walks close to Timsbury by Peter Bradshaw, Larry Cunningham and Sue Fraser. £6.00

Twenty circular walks in and around Timsbury by Bradshaw, Cunningham and Fraser, £6.00.

Twenty circular walks near Timsbury by Peter Bradshaw, Larry Cunningham and Sue Fraser. £6.00

Twenty circular walks: Not Far From Timsbury (each featuring water) by Bradshaw, Cunningham and Fraser, £6.00


East Somerset and West Wiltshire 1897 Old Ordnance Survey map £3.00

Radstock 1902 Old Ordnance Survey map £3.00

Midsomer Norton 1902 Old Ordnance Survey map: the Godfrey Edition. £3.00

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